(816) 804-2528

Wonderful Tips For Easy Window Washing (816) 804-2528

Easy and window washing are words that don’t normally go together. No one likes to wash windows, and nothing shows more than dirty windows. We hear many times that “we don’t do windows.” Those words may come from the person cleaning your home, but there are many companies who provide professional window cleaners if it is a job you don’t want to tackle.

Window Washing Tips

Window Washing Tips by A-Team Window Cleaning

Many windows are out of our reach, and we will need some type of tools to help us get the job done. A ladder may be a good helper, but it can also cause serious damage to the person who is not careful. A better buy would be a squeegee with an extension rod. If you decide on the squeegee you may want to invest in a pair of heavy-duty gloves, so the water won’t run down your arms and onto your clothing.

There are many that use vinegar to clean windows, real professionals prefer a squeegee and a few dry towels.  These towels should have not had softener added to the wash, a good heavy sponge, those gloves I mentioned, and a bucket of hot water and dish soap. That dish soap you wash your drinking glasses that leave them shining will work on your windows as well. But if you prefer the window cleaner sold at your local market, will work too.

For the outside, get the garden hose out and rinse the dirt and grime off your windows, all around the sill and the ledge as well. Rinse all of the windows off on the side of your house where the sun isn’t shining. Then dip the sponge into the hot water and spread the soap around the window, don’t let the soap dry. You may want to go over them two or three times if your windows are really dirty.

Then get the hose and rinse the soap off. Take your squeegee and scrape it from top all the way to the bottom. Dry the squeegee off and do the next section, keep doing that until your window is practically dry. You may want to take another dry towel and shine your window.

You’ve finished one, now go to the next until all of your windows are dry and shining.

One more thing before you begin the process. Remove the screens from your windows. Prop them against a tree and rinse them off with the hose, and then with the soapy sponge on both sides, and hit them again with the clear water, and let them dry.